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It requires careful consideration to judge which one of the two kashfs presented above is better in making tenzîh (or tanzîh) of Allâhu ta’âlâ, (i.e. in expressing that He is free from defect,) and more consistent with His Attributes of Ulûhiyyat. We should listen to reason to see well which one has more to do with the beginning and the middle of the path being followed and which one would better suit the end of the path. I the faqîr had been believing as they had for years. I had been undergoing astounding hâls and curious mushâhadas agreeable with that belief. I had been relishing many flavours at that grade. Thereafter, as a kindness of Allâhu ta’âlâ, it was realized that none of the things being seen and known was Him. All those things would have to be annihilated. As another kindness of Jenâb-i-Haqq, they all disappeared by themselves. Thus the bâtil (wrong) that had been supposed to be Haqq ceased to exist. Love of the Ghayb (Unknown) was attained. The mawhûm (fancied) was separated from the mawjûd (existent). The Qadîm (eternal) was purified from the hâdith (not eternal).