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Advice of Scholars - TO OBEY THE SHARÎ’AT

Hadrat Imâm-i Rabbânî says in the 54th letter of the third volume of his Maktûbât:

The world’s sweet things and transient blessings are useful and halâl only when they help one to obey the brilliant Sharî’at. A worldly advantage is good when it is together with the advantage pertaining to the Hereafter. Those worldly blessings which do not help earn the Hereafter are like poisons covered with sugar. Idiots are deceived by them. Shame on those who do not use the theriac prescribed by Allâhu ta’âlâ as a curative against these poisons! So wretched are those who do not cure these sugary, sweet poisons by enduring the difficulty of obeying the commandments and prohibitions of the Sharî’at. A person who makes only a small effort, who makes a little attempt at following the Sharî’at, will attain endless advantages.

It is so easy to follow the commandments and prohibitions of the Sharî’at. And with only a little unawareness and slackness these endless blessings will be lost. A person with a far-sighted, accurate mind should follow this briliant Sharî’at. He should not be like a child who misses useful things by being absorbed in playing with walnuts and cypress cones. If you observe and obey the Sharî’at during your worldly occupations you will have followed the Prophet’s ‘alaihimussalâwâtu wattaslîmât’ way and clung to your faith.