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The first advice is to correct the belief in accordance with those which the Ahl-i sunnat savants communicate in their books. For, it is this madhhab only that will be saved from Hell. May Allâhu ta’âlâ give plenty of rewards for the work of those great people! Those scholars of the four madhhabs, who reached up the grade of ijtihâd and the great scholars, educated by them are called Ahl as-sunna scholars. After correcting the belief (îmân), it is necessary to perform the worship informed in the knowledge of fiqh, i.e. to do the commands of the Sharî’at and to abstain from what it prohibits. One should perform the namâz five times each day without reluctance and slackness, and being careful about its conditions and ta’dîl-i arkân. He who has as mush money as nisâb should pay zakât. Imâm-i a’zâm Abû Hanîfa says, “Also, it is necessary to pay the zakât of gold and silver which women use as ornaments.

One should not waste his precious life even on unnecessary mubâhs. It is certainly necessary not to waste it on harâm. We should not get involved with taghannî, singing, musical instruments, or songs. We should not be deceived by the pleasure they give our nafses. These are poisons mixed with honey and covered with sugar.

One should not commit giybat. Giybat is harâm. [Giybat means to talk about a Muslim’s or a Zimmî’s secret fault behind his back. It is necessary to tell Muslims about the faults of the Harbîs, about the sins of those who commit these sins in public, about the evils of those who torment Muslims and who deceive Muslims in buying and selling, thus causing Muslims to beware their harms, and to tell about the slanders of those who talk and write about Islam wrongfully; these are not giybat. Radd-ul-Muhtâr: 5-263)].