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Advice of Scholars - TAHÂRAT FROM HADAS

There are two kinds of tahârat from hadas:

1 - Performance of an ablution by a person who does not have an ablution.

2 - Performance of a ghusl by a person who does not have a ghusl.

Wudû means ablution; tawaddî means to perform an ablution; ghasl means to wash something; ightisâl means to perform a ghusl ablution, and ghusl means the ablution of ghusl (in Arabic). He who does not have an ablution is called muhdis. He who does not have a ghusl ablution is called junub.

It is written in the book Halabî-yi saghîr: “There are fards, sunnats, adabs, and forbidden things in an abdast (ablution). If a person performs namâz without an ablution though he does not have a good excuse for doing so and though he knows that he does not have an ablution, he becomes a disbeliever. He who loses his ablution while performing namâz, performs the salâm (Assalam-u alaikum wa rahmat-ullah) to one side right away and stops his namâz. Re-making an ablution before the prescribed time period is over, he begins the namâz again. ” In Malikî madhhab, his namâz will not be nullified and he will become owner of an excuse in that moment.


Shaikh-ul-islâm, Khwâja ’Abdullâh-i Ansârî ‘rahmatullâhi ’alaih’, one of the greatest of the Sôfiyya-i ’aliyya, says in his book entitled Manâzilussâyirîn: “There are two kinds of firâsat. The first one, the firâsat of the men of ma’rifat, is to detect the talents of the disciples and to recognize the Awliyâ of Allâhu ta’âlâ. The second one, the firâsat (clairvoyance) of those who subject themselves to riyâdats and who polish their nafs by hunger is to know of the secret things about creatures. Most people, not remembering Allâhu ta’âlâ but thinking of the world day and night, search for those who give information about the worldly things which they want to obtain. They deem them great. In fact, they think of them as Awliyâ close to Allâhu ta’âlâ. They do not even turn to look at the ma’rifats, the true and subtle knowledge of the Awliyâ. But perhaps they speak ill of them and, saying, ‘If they were Allah’s beloved slaves, they would know about our lost things, about our secret thoughts. A person who knows nothing of our states can never understand the subtle knowledge which is above creatures’; they deny the firâsat of Awliyâ and their knowledge of the Dhât-i-ilâhî and His Attributes. Because of their wrong estimation they are deprived of the correct knowledge and ma’rîfats of these great superiors. They are unaware of the fact that Allâhu ta’âlâ has concealed these superiors from the eyes of the ignorant and has made them belong to Him. He has made His Awliyâ busy not with worldly affairs but with Himself. If the Awliyâ were attached to men’s deeds and states they would not be worthy of Allâhu ta’âlâ’s presence.” ’Abdullah-i Ansârî wrote much more about this.